Thursday, October 11, 2012

Do You Value Technology More Than People in Life? How to Change it.

I'm fed up with you bitch. (To wife)
why? what did i do?
My-(Scratching head)Laptop battery is dead.

I'm dealing with emotions here. Not obsessions. So, if you came here to relieve something of a tech addiction then i'm really sorry. No one can inspire you away from obsession. What i'm trying to make you see is realisation, and if you are in obsession, it's a sad truth - Obsession always KILLS reason.

I'm talking about the proportion your life should have, how much you should rationalize spending time before a lighted screen and how much you should spend making your life light up. Postponing the little things is what you should stop doing now. No, i'm not talking about unimportant and "postpone-able"things, im talking about those little things which matter, those little things where people depending on you value. Technology gets old fast, so do life and people inside your world. They will die. You will cry upon it and no macbook would come and consolidate you, back you because while people where around - you cared less about them. It doesn't take any dedication to stop caring, heck - None realizes it. even if you realize those real sad things that silently clots your life into a heart attack - i'll tell you what you do - You just compare, that's what you do. You think bout your neighbor's or relative's so called "Bigger Problems." Actually what everyone of us should just come to a point and just understand is that - is that - There are no bigger probloms in the world than your own problems you never realize.

 You want to escape from life and you want to have fun while at it. Mental fatigue? No problem. Overeating due to boredom? yes. Over usage of tech not just feeds you lethargy, your sitting posture makes your spine uneasy, you buttock muscles non tan and your eyes pain (Of, course you will conceive the details all in time). Mental strain, anxiety, and immorality. You are obese and afraid of life (not an accusation - just talking about how addictive subject is most effective on a weak mind. Who is more weak than weak people themselves?). NO 1 SOLUTION - Get online and diss. That seems like what most do anyway. You escapism is also a literal ESCAPE, an escape from not only your life, it's a easy world to lose track of morality and reality.

Tech vs Life. And you prefer tech. It's fun, but .. yeah, it's like religion. It has more disadvantages than advantages. It doesn't matter what i write down, if you want to change it you will. So this article began by telling you about how it is gonna change something. You saw me start and you just reached the end. You might be asking yourselves -- Where the f is the answer, man?. There is no answer because answers are always forgotten. Details are never like that, by not being definite - i succeed in making you realize something you and i dint know was made realized during your time in this article. There is always an answer no to that, but as i hate answers- you should leave it unanswered. Wish you a Good day and strong literature to you.
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